Supply Chain Management Software

Power Your Supply Chain! The power you need, the power you deserve!

Discover our prebuilt and interchangeable modules designed as building blocks upon a flexible platform. Let Epiphany customize your cloud to fit your unique business needs.

ConnectX Supply Chain Platform

In the fast-paced world of aviation, where precision and timeliness are paramount, Epiphany’s Supply Chain ConnectX is an essential tool for complex supply chain challenges such as the uncertainties of inflation, fluctuating customer demand, and the pervasive issue of labor shortages. This state-of-the-art management solution will propel your business into a new era of agile operations.

Supply Chain ConnectX embraces the five pillars of procurement:

  • Availability
  • Cost
  • Timeliness
  • Quality
  • Compliance


supply chain management software

Developed 100% on the ConnectX platform which provides out-of-the-box data updates and data integration with multiple systems.

Business Benefits & Features

Business Benefits

  • Pull data from customer pdf specifications into a readable table in ConnectX
  • Track Items from
  • Customer requests
  • Manage Vendor Selection
  • Cost
  • Availability
  • Quality
  • Timeliness
  • Compliance
  • Manage Inventory and
  • Purchasing with ease
  • Assess Parts List
  • Pull parts from multiple Purchase
  • Requests to a single
  • Purchase Order
  • Pull and Push PDF Data from Document to Table
  • Sort Specifications and Bill Of Materials into easy to read views
  • Integration with financial software providing the ability to use Purchase Order data to create AP Bills

Business Features

  • Vendor Management
  • Vendor Portal
  • Integration with
  • Financial System
  • Supply Chain
  • Management
  • Dashboard
  • Track related metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
  • Real-time analytics
  • Drill-down to detail for further analysis
  • Comprehensive reporting capabilities
  • Role-based access and security
  • Built-in Business Intelligence
  • Which Suppliers are the most reliable?
  • How many days of inventory per Warehouse?
  • Are we meeting demand?
  • How close are material forecasts to actual results?
  • What is the timeliness history per vendor per item?
  • What is the quality rating per vendor per item?
  • What is compliance per vendor per item?